Our launch webinar explored the role played by sex and gender in the determinants and impacts of NCDs and injury, from biology to social and economic inequalities and access to healthcare.

Women and NCDs
The George Institute for Global Health in collaboration with the World Health Organization's Global Coordination Mechanism on NCDs hosts a Community on Women and NCDs as part of the Knowledge Action Portal, a web platform for NCDs information, interaction, and inspiration.
In almost every country, NCDs and injuries are now the leading causes of mortality and morbidity for women. The Community addresses this shift in the global burden of disease by bringing together diverse global experts in the field of womenʼs health to identify and analyse evidence-based, scalable best practices in implementing a life-course approach to women's health and NCDs, and promote gender equity.
Scroll down to watch the recording of our most recent webinar, ‘Beijing+25: Meeting the call for sex-disaggregated and gender-sensitive data’.
The following resources are the product of Community activity. They are also available on the Knowledge Action Portal, along with details of our steering group members, discussion boards and listings of upcoming events relating to women and NCDs. You can join the Knowledge Action Portal here.
Why focus on women and NCDs?

Integrating NCD care with pre-conception and maternal health services
Our second webinar discussed how NCD care could be integrated with pre-conception and maternal health services to improve health across the life-course.

Preventing and treating depression in women and girls worldwide

We held our third webinar shortly after World Mental Health Day and presented the case for increased services for women and girls affected by depression.
Meeting the call for sex-disaggregated and gender-sensitive data
Our fourth webinar considered the importance of collecting disaggregated data and conducting gendered analyses to understand NCDs, care pathways and outcomes for women and men (and how these differ), as well as the challenges, opportunities and strategies of taking this work forward in different contexts.

Cardiovascular disease in women and men - what's the difference?
In the past it was widely assumed that rates of cardiovascular disease and outcomes were equivalent for women and men, and that what was learnt from studies involving only men would be applicable to women.
It is now recognised that there are a range of differences, from how a disease presents, to healthcare access and the treatment received.