Road safety and driver licensing for Aboriginal people
Access to safe, affordable and acceptable means of transport is important for everyone in Australia. Transport provides the means to access education, employment, health care and other essential services as well as allowing important social interactions.
Little is known about factors influencing the high number of Aboriginal people killed or seriously injured in road crashes, or about their access and barriers to the driver licensing system.
In collaboration with Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services and key stakeholders in road safety, this initiative will build new research partnerships and community capacity in road safety, and generate high quality data that will inform development of new programs aimed at closing the gap in this important area.
Using a mixed methods approach and with a strong focus on building research capacity within the Aboriginal community, this study aims to describe some of the barriers to licensing and other aspects of road safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people attending Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services in New South Wales and South Australia.
Related People
Professor James Harrison
Flinders University -
Professor Kathleen Clapham
Australian Health Services Research Unit, University of Wollongong -
Associate Professor Teresa Senserrick
Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland, QUT -
Professor Russell Gruen
Monash University -
Associate Professor Alexandra Martiniuk
The University of Sydney