Controlling Hypertension in rural India (CHIRI) - Overcoming barriers to diagnosis and effective treatment
This project aims to do a survey to compare the prevalence and barriers to receiving health care for people suffering from hypertension across three sites in rural India and develop a suitable intervention strategy.
The project will be completed in three phases covering adults >30 years in 10 villages:
- A cross-sectional study to assess prevalence, awareness and treatment of hypertension
- Qualitative studies including focus group discussions with individuals with hypertension and in-depth interviews with health care providers will be conducted to identify individual and system level barriers to hypertension control
- Develop and pilot a hypertension control program using a hypertension registry; capacity building of health care providers; and implementation of a hypertension card with details of BP recordings and medications used.
Study has ended. Data is being entered and analysed.