World Salt Awareness Week 2014

WASH runs World Salt Awareness Week every year which receives widespread support from many countries around the world. This important week serves to highlight the importance of reducing salt intake in all populations throughout the world, and all countries are invited to participate; be it holding an event, creating media interest or generating awareness within local communities. - See more at: http://www.worldactiononsalt.com/awarenessweek/#sthash.OfPb46N1.dpuf
World Action on Salt and Health (WASH) runs World Salt Awareness Week every year which receives widespread support from many countries around the world. This important week serves to highlight the importance of reducing salt intake in all populations throughout the world, and all countries are invited to participate; be it holding an event, creating media interest or generating awareness within local communities.
The theme of this year’s World Salt Awareness Week is “SWITCH!”. 75% of the salt that we consume comes from processed foods. So think about the hidden salt in the food you put into your shopping trolley and, where possible, choose the lower salt option.
- Email the AWASH team if you would like to order a "Salt Awareness Pack"
- Click here for more AWASH resources