Our voices matter: shaping priorities for social participation in health reform

The Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (CSEM) for UHC2030, Social Participation for Health: Engagement, Research and Empowerment (SPHERE), Save the Children and the World Health Organization (WHO) invite you to an informal interactive discussion toward the institutionalisation of social participation in health decision-making processes. This online session will take place on Tuesday 20th June 2023 from 7:00-8:15 am EST I 1:00-2:15 pm CEST I 4:30-5:45 pm IST.
Social participation, sometimes referred to as citizen engagement or community action for health, has become an integral part of health systems strengthening since it was recognised in the Alma Ata declaration on “Health for All” in 1978. Recognition is growing that people’s voices and actions must influence how domestic resources are used to deliver quality health services for all and hold governments accountable. The need to establish platforms and partnerships to enable this was embedded in the Political Declaration of the UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in 2019.
The aim of the dialogue is to gather feedback from civil society and communities on WHO’s Draft Technical Background Paper on Social Participation for UHC and to discuss opportunities for collaboration and engagement toward the UN High-level Meetings on Health in September and adopting a WHA Resolution in 2024.
You can already share your feedback by completing the 10-minute online survey, ahead of the deadline on 25th June here: https://www.who.int/news-room/articles-detail/social-participation-for-uhc-technical-background-paper
We look forward to seeing you soon online!
- Date: June 20th, 2023
- Time: 7:00-8:15 am EST I 1:00-2:15 pm CEST I 4:30-5:45 pm IST
Speakers include:
- Nanoot Mathurapote, Head of Global Collaboration Unit, National Health Commission Office, Thailand
- Lara Brearley, Consultant, World Health Organization
- Laura Philidor, Advocacy and Communications Officer, CSEM Secretariat, WACI Health
- Kurt Frieder, President of Fundación Huésped
- David Peiris, Acting Chief Scientist and Director, Global Primary Health Care Program (Better Care), The George Institute for Global Health
- Opening remarks - Kurt Frieder (5 minutes)
- Country perspectives: a journey of social participation in Thailand - Nanoot Mathurapote (10 minutes)
- Overview of draft WHO Technical Background Paper on Social Participation for UHC - Lara Brearley (15 minutes)
- Interactive dialogue with participants - moderated by David Peiris (35 minutes)
- Closing remarks - Laura Philidor (10 minutes)
Further information:
- Over a four-year period, SPHERE will document experiences of advancing social participation for health, collaborate with communities to promote and evaluate context-specific implementation approaches, and draw lessons to advance the broader UHC agenda. Learn more about SPHERE.
- Blog: SPHERE Statements for the UN Multi-stakeholder Hearings on UHC, TB and PPPR
- Handbook: Voice, agency, empowerment - handbook on social participation for universal health coverage
For any queries, please contact: info@spheretogether.org