Oxford-India Health Research Network (OIHRN) events

Oxford-India Health Research Network (OIHRN) is an informal network of established and upcoming researchers and students at University of Oxford, engaged in or are aiming to establish research collaborations with health research organisations in India.
The network was founded and is supported jointly by The George Institute - UK, Department of Public Health, INDOX Cancer Research Network, and Institute of Biomedical Engineering at University of Oxford, and has members from different units of the University.
This event series facilitates and provides a platform for Oxford researchers and students to share their work and establish collaborations with research organisations in India while encouraging collaborations among various units at the University and further facilitates joint collaborations with India. The network provides regular updates to its members about various funding opportunities available for collaborative research with India.
The Oxford India Health Research Network aims to assist in carrying forward the added momentum for Oxford-India partnerships, generated by the recent India visit of Professor Andrew Hamilton, Vice Chancellor, University of Oxford.