@article{21073, author = {Ivers R. and de Rome Liz and Brown J. and Meredith L.}, title = {Validation of the principles of injury risk zones for motorcycle protective clothing}, abstract = {

INTRODUCTION: The distributions of motorcycle crash impacts and injuries were compared to the four impact risk zones and protective performance specified in the European Standard for motorcycle clothing (EN 13595). METHODS: Crashed motorcyclists' (n=117) injuries and clothing damage were categorized by body area into the four risk zones. Three levels of protection were defined: protective clothing with impact protection, protective clothing only and non-protective clothing. RESULTS: The distribution of impact/injury sites corresponded to the predictions of EN 13595, with the proportion of all injuries decreasing from 43.9% in Zone 1, to 18.0%, 16.7%, and 11.5% in Zones 2 to 4, respectively. Protective clothing modified the distribution of injuries with substantially more injuries (OR=2.69, 95% CL: 20.1-3.59) at unprotected impact sites. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: These findings support an appropriate framework for determining performance specifications for the manufacture of motorcycle clothing that will effectively reduce the risk of injury in crashes.

}, year = {2014}, journal = {Journal of Safety Research}, volume = {50}, edition = {2014/08/22}, pages = {83-7}, month = {-8019460502}, isbn = {1879-1247 (Electronic)
0022-4375 (Linking)}, note = {de Rome, Liz
Meredith, Lauren
Ivers, Rebecca
Brown, Julie
United States
J Safety Res. 2014 Sep;50:83-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jsr.2014.04.003. Epub 2014 May 9.}, language = {eng}, }