TY - JOUR AU - Finfer Simon AD - The George Institute for Global Health and Royal North Shore Hospital, The University of Sydney, St Leonards, NSW 2065, Australia. AN - 24893783 BT - British Journal of Anaesthesia C2 - 24893783 DA - 29691111715 DP - NLM ET - 2014 June 3 [epub ahead of print] LA - Eng LB - CCT N1 - Finfer, S
Br J Anaesth. 2014 Jun 3. pii: aeu141. PY - 2014 SN - 1471-6771 (Electronic)
0007-0912 (Linking) T2 - British Journal of Anaesthesia TI - Expert consensus: a flawed process for producing guidelines for the management of fluid therapy in the critically ill. VL - pii: aeu141 ER -